Judy's Career Story


Photo of Judy Luu

Judy Luu, MD/PhD, FRCPC

Women’s Heart Health Cardiologist
Assistant Professor, McGill University
Director of Research, Courtois CMR Program
Montreal, QC | @JudyMLuu

What is your name?

Hi, my name is Judy Luu.

What do you do for a living?

I currently work at McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, Quebec. I am trained as a heart doctor, specifically for women's heart health, and I specialize in using Cardiac MRI. Besides my clinical work, I also do research to help improve how we diagnose and treat heart problems in women who are at risk or already have heart disease.

What is your interest in women’s heart health and what made you decide to pursue a career related to it?

As an immigrant who was born in a refugee camp, I have always been aware of the healthcare challenges people can face if they do not speak the official language well, come from lower-income backgrounds, or belong to minority groups. My passion for women's heart health is driven by a desire to find ways to make cardiovascular care better for women, especially by reducing health inequalities in screening, diagnosis, and treatment.

I am particularly interested in finding solutions to improve healthcare for women from marginalized groups, including those from ethnic backgrounds, remote areas, and racialized communities.

What was your career path that got you to your current position?

I grew up in Calgary, Alberta, where I previously pursued a combined MD/PhD degree. My doctoral research focused on using cardiac MRI for patients with ischemic heart disease. Following this, I completed my adult cardiology residency at the University of Manitoba. I then furthered my expertise by undertaking a fellowship in Women's Heart Disease and Health in Los Angeles, working with the renowned expert Dr. Noel Bairey Merz. Additionally, I most recently completed advanced training in health research methodology and reading cardiac MRI under the mentorships of Dr. Sonia Anand from McMaster University and Dr. Matthias Friedrich from McGill University.

My journey led me to join the McGill University Health Centre, where I have been dedicated to establishing a clinical and research program aimed at enhancing the diagnosis and treatment of women with heart disease.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

In the next 5-10 years, my focus will remain on improving women's heart health, particularly by addressing health disparities in marginalized communities. I am dedicated to enrolling women from diverse backgrounds into clinical trials, which will provide robust evidence to inform clinical guidelines. My long-term goal is to influence policy changes in how we manage and treat women's heart health.

By combining research, clinical expertise, and policy advocacy, I aim to make a lasting impact on the field, ultimately benefiting women's heart health on a global scale.

What advice would you share with someone in high school (or college/university) looking to pursue a career in women’s heart health?

If you have a passion for women's heart health, begin by establishing a strong support system with mentors, colleagues, and your family and friends. Look for chances to intern in healthcare settings to gain hands-on experience in this space. Consider volunteering with community organizations like the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Alliance to actively contribute. By actively participating in these networks, you will have the chance to connect with mentors and discover opportunities that will help you turn your aspirations into reality!

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I always remember this quote from one of my favorite books, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. I frequently return to it for guidance on my path: “When you want something [enough], the universe will conspire to help you to achieve it”. I hope this quote will serve as inspiration for you one day as well!


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